A Unique Perspective on the Challenges of DoD Modernization

April 10, 2024

By Owen Gee, University of Arizona

I really did not know how my weekend would go when I saw the dates come up for the Ideathon immersive learning event. As soon as I walked into the University of Arizona Refinery (a building designed for collaboration between industry, academia, and government) I was greeted by Gordon Bradley, a test/action officer who shared a problem his Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) team is experiencing – the huge volume of data in his organization and how to take this data and generate a report in a timely manner. 

Before diving into the problem, we took a step back to engage in an ice breaker and learn about design thinking and lean startup methodology, which changed the way I think about problems. I learned to recognize that an approach that permanently solves a problem is better than the obvious solution that only treats the symptoms. When you focus on build, measure, and learn, you can fail fast, rather than spending time on something that will not work. Failing fast allows you to get through more iterations of prototypes and get a final product faster.  

When it came time to apply these freshly learned concepts to a real-world problem, it was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. It was refreshing to work with a career professional on an actual, ongoing problem rather than school projects that have a smaller scope. Our team used the skills presented to make our own presentation on JITC’s background/issues, the problem as we found it, as well as a value proposition. Through this project I gained a unique perspective on the challenges of moving the working parts of the DoD toward modernization. It was also impressive and inspiring to see the presentations my peers came up with in such a short period of time. 

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