2021 Annual Sponsor Research Review

See the 2021 SERC ANNUAL RESEARCH REVIEW (sercuarc.org) announcement for further information and to register.

Mr. Christopher C. O’Donnell
Performing the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Acquisition
Mr. Chris O’Donnell is currently performing the duties of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Acquisition. In this position, he advises the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (USD(A&S)), the Deputy Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of Defense on matters relating to the Department of Defense (DoD) Acquisition System, acquisition program management, and the development of strategic, space, intelligence, tactical warfare, command and control, and business systems.
Prior to coming to the Pentagon, he was the Head of the Acquisition and Technology Department, at the Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division. He led a group of scientists, engineers and technicians that develop, test, acquire and maintain equipment for the over 5,000 Joint Service Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Technicians. He has received the Office of the Secretary of Defense Medals for Exceptional and Meritorious Civilian Service, two Navy Superior Civilian Service Awards, a David Packard Excellence in Acquisition Award, a Secretary of Defense Award for Excellence and a Naval Sea Systems Command Collaboration Award. He is married to Amy, the Deputy Technical Director at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head. Their three children are Alan, a Virginia Tech Electrical Engineer; Calaa, a University of Washington Architect; and Caitie, a Clemson Electrical Engineer.

Preceding the Panel, the following three briefings discussing systemic issues around acquisition innovation were delivered:
– “Digital Acquisition & Sustainment: A Vision and Strategy for Improving Outcomes” by Dr. Philip S. Antón, AIRC Chief Scientist
– “Transforming Public-Private Ecosystems: Understanding and Enabling Innovation in Complex Systems” by Dr. William “Bill” B. Rouse, Georgetown University
– “Acquisition Policy Test Range and Operations ” by Dr. Dennis K. McBride, Virginia Tech

– Jeannette Evans-Morgis, SES, Chief Systems Engineer, Department of the Army
– Paul Mann, SES, Chief Systems Engineer, Department of the Navy
– Mark Krzysko, SES, Principal Deputy Director, Data & Analytics, OUSD(A&S)
– Philomena Zimmerman, Director, Engineering Tools and Environments, OUSD(R&E)
Moderated by Dr. Dinesh Verma, Executive Director, AIRC

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– Per DC Mayor Bowser’s Order #2021-097, effective July 31, 2021 the District of Columbia requires all persons over the age of two (regardless of vaccination status) to wear a mask or face covering in all indoor spaces, except when actively consuming food or drink.
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