AIRC-DAU Quarterly Research Forum: Improving the DoD Requirements Process
Monday, March 13, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

AIRC principal investigators will present their research findings and recommendations on the Requirements Definition process in Defense Acquisition. Faculty from Defense Acquisition University (DAU) will present the DAU learning and development opportunities supporting the Requirement Definition process. The event will elicit feedback from the audience on the research and development opportunities.

Dr. David Gallop
David L. Gallop is DAU’s Director of Acquisition Workforce Education Partnerships. He serves in this Congressionally mandated position to enhance the capabilities of the Defense Acquisition University to support educational, training, and research activities, enabling acquisition missions of the Department of Defense. Before joining DAU in 2009, Gallop was the Director of Programs at Athena Technologies. He served in various tactical and acquisition positions in his 21-year Army career, including an ACAT-1C program manager. Gallop has PhD and MS degrees in Systems Engineering from the George Washington University.

Mr. Gregory Prothero
Greg Prothero is the Requirements Center Director in DAU’s Defense Systems Management College. He and his team manage Congressionally mandated DoD requirements training in partnership with J8. Before joining DAU in 2009, he served in a 21 year Air Force career various operational positions in tactical airlift and training units as a navigator, planning DV Airlift for AF-1 and Congress, and serving in A5R (Requirements). Prothero has an MS degree in Operations Management from the University of Arkansas and a MS degree in National Resource Strategy from the National Defense University. He has a BS in Public Administration from Indiana University.

Dr. Michael McGrath
AIRC, McGrath Analytics LLC
Michael McGrath is an independent consultant with broad government and industry experience in technology management. His prior executive positions include Chairman of the Board of Advanced Technology International (a technology consortium management company), VP for Systems and Operations Analysis at Analytic Services Inc. (ANSER), Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (DASN(RDT&E)), VP for Government Business at the Sarnoff Corporation (former RCA corporate lab), ADUSD(Dual Use and Commercial Programs) in the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), DARPA Program Manager for manufacturing and dual use technologies,  OSD Director of the DoD Computer-aided Acquisition and Logistics Support initiative, and early government career positions in acquisition and logistics management at Naval Air Systems Command and in OSD. He is active in National Academies studies, industry associations, and advisory boards for universities and non-profit organizations. He is a consultant for the University of Maryland Applied Research Lab for Intelligence and Security, a Research Fellow of the Stevens Institute Acquisition Innovation Research Center, and a Senior Fellow of Potomac Institute for Policy Studies.