November 15, 2022
National Press Club, Washington DC | Hybrid
This event unites a national network of defense practitioners and researchers across government, industry, and academia to discuss issues of national and global significance and share updates and progress on research addressing the most challenging issues facing the Department of Defense.
Welcome & Opening Remarks

Dr. Jianmin Qu
Provost, Stevens Institute of Technology

HON. Dr. Paul Kaminski
Chairman, SERC & AIRC Advisory Board; Chairman and CEO of Technovation, Inc.

Dr. Dennis McBride
AIRC Director, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (OUSD(A&S))

Mr. Mark Krzysko, SES
Principal Deputy Director, Enterprise Information, Acquisition Data and Analytics, OUSD(A&S)
Plenary Panel
Innovation in Acquired Systems: Opportunities and Systemic Impedance Factors to Boosting Innovation
Moderator: Mr. Christopher C. O’Donnell, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Acquisition (Acting)
Industry Perspectives
Mr. Ron Keesing, Senior VP for Technology Integration, Leidos Corp.
Brig. Gen. (Ret.) R. Scott Stapp, VP & Corporate Chief Technology Officer, Northrop Grumman Corp.
Dr. Steven Walker, VP & Chief Technology Officer, Lockheed Martin Corp.
Legislative Session Panel
Professional Staff Member Panel: Legislative Priorities and Perspectives on Acquisition Innovation
Moderator: Mr. David Drabkin, Esq., AIRC Fellow
Mr. Kevin Gates, Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC)
Ms. Karen Thornton, House Armed Services Committee (HASC)
Commercial Industry Panel
Emerging Industrial Perspectives to Enable the National Defense Strategy
Moderator: Mr. Matthew Rose, Adobe; AIRC Innovation Panel (AIP) memberÂ
Mr. Jeff Ryder, VP Growth & Strategy, General Motors Defense; AIP member
COL (Ret.) W. Mark Valentine, Head of Federal, Scale AIÂ
Research Presentations
AIRC Research
Dr. Mo Mansouri, Stevens Institute of Technology
Dr. Michael McGrath, AIRC Fellow
AIRC Research: Engineering Model Tools to Inform Portfolio Management
Dr. Dan DeLaurentis, Chief Scientist, SERC; Purdue University
Dr. Philip S. AntĂłn, Chief Scientist, AIRC; Stevens Institute of Technology
COL. (Ret.) Stoney Trent, Virginia Tech
Dr. Hoong Yan See Tao, Stevens Institute of Technology
Dr. Philip S. AntĂłn, Chief Scientist, AIRC; Stevens Institute of Technology
Establishing a Foundation for Digital Acquisition Innovation
Dr. Laura Freeman, Virginia Tech
Dr. Maegen Nix, Virginia Tech Applied Research Corp.
Dr. Laura Freeman, Virginia Tech
Dr. Amanda Girth, The Ohio State University
Dr. Mike Rayo, The Ohio State University
Dr. Waterloo Tsutsui, Purdue University
Dr. Daniel Selva, Texas A&M University
Lt. Col. Daniel Finkenstadt, Naval Postgraduate School
Dr. Robert Handfield, North Carolina State University
Dr. Arnav Jhala, North Carolina State University
Mr. David Drabkin, Esq., AIRC Fellow
Mr. Christopher Yukins, Esq., AIRC Fellow
National Press Club
529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor Washington, DC 20045
A discounted room block at the Hamilton Hotel is now closed.
The Annual Research Review is abiding by the National Press Club’s COVID-19 event safety guidelines. To review them in detail, click here: National Press Club safety protocols.
Contact Us
For more event information, please contact  Ms. Monica Brito.