Research Reports

Innovative, Data-Enabled Acquisition Strategy (IDEAS): Concepts for Driving the Digital Transformation of Defense Acquisition

March 2025

Original: December 2022; Amended: August 2024

AUTHORS:  Dr. Philip S. Antón1, Dr. Laura Freeman2, Ms. Christina Houfek3, Dr. Maegen Nix3

The Department of Defense (DoD) is pursuing defense acquisition system innovations to improve acquisition speed and outcomes given rapidly changing threats, technologies, and business models. A key enabler of such innovation is the digital transformation of acquisition and sustainment processes.

This AIRC report lays out a strategy, guiding principles, and a series of recommendations for a DoD Innovative, Data-Enabled Acquisition Strategy (IDEAS). As a first step in a living strategy, this document identifies insights, ideas, and concepts from academia, the DoD, and the commercial sector on how the DoD might evolve and improve acquisition execution and outcomes. IDEAS uses four interrelated strategic facets to identify and manage initiatives to improve acquisition outcomes through better use of acquisition data:

  • Information: Improve secure data, knowledge and insight flows across DoD, industry and academia to inform, improve and accelerate acquisition functions, decisions and outcomes.
  • Acquisition Tools and Functions: Support and improve acquisition tradecraft to improve processes and decisions for program managers (PMs), functional analysts, and leadership by leveraging information, models and commercial innovation.
  • Decision and Policy Tools: Assess ideas and inform evidence-based decisions to improve policies and processes through models, test ranges and analytics.
  • People and Culture: Incentivize and train agile, innovative and outcome-focused acquisition communities.

To help the DoD make progress involving the four strategic facets, AIRC researchers investigated several fundamental challenges regarding: I. Incentives and Empowerment, II. Leveraging Communities Inside and Outside Acquisition, III. Improved Access, IV. Trust and Security, V. Innovation and Agility, VI. Metrics, and VII. Incremental Progress and Iteration.

The AIRC team encourages engaging stakeholders to increase awareness of the IDEAS recommendations, identifying organizations and representatives to form a cross-functional team and working group, and initiating plans to implement recommendations for I. Incentives and Empowerment and II. Leveraging Communities Inside and Outside Acquisition.